IAM&AW Local Lodge 847

Serving the Active, Laid-Off, and Retired Members of LL 847

Action Alerts

Critical Actions:

Click on Write Your Legislators below to prepare Letters and E-mails to your Legislators.You will input your name and address, preview and personalize the message, and the rest will be done for you.
As safety professionals and first responders, Flight Attendants are tasked with handling emergencies and caring for thousands of passengers every day. However, study after study show Flight Attendants are impacted by fatigue on a regular basis, negatively affecting their ability to perform safety functions in an emergency.
But nothing has been done. There aren’t adequate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) fatigue protections for Flight Attendants.
While Flight Attendants work the same or similar schedules as pilots and do the majority of their work on their feet, they still don’t have any of the pilot fatigue and rest protections. The IAM is calling on Congress to include a Fatigue Risk Management Plan to help examine fatigue factors with real-time evidence and information for crew members to help them avoid becoming fatigued, along with 10 hours rest for Flight Attendants in the next FAA Reauthorization Bill.
When airport workers become the target of abuse and violence, something needs to be done.
Currently there isn’t adequate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) protection for airline workers serving as Customer Service Agents. Under current law, it is already a felony to assault a “flight crew” member, such as a Flight Attendant or Pilot.
The House Transportation Committee recently included an amendment in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill (H.R. 4441) making assault against Customer Service Agents a felony. Now we need your help getting it through the Senate and to President Obama’s desk to be signed into law.
The IAM is calling on Congress to make it a felony to assault on-duty Customer Service Agents.
Sen. John McCain has proposed an amendment that would undermine the Jones Act, which performs a critical function in maintaining the shipbuilding capabilities of our nation’s defense industrial base.
If passed, the amendment will result in the outsourcing of U.S. shipbuilding to foreign nations. This will damage our defense capabilities and devastate U.S. shipbuilding and lead to the loss of American jobs. Both the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense strongly support the Jones Act.
Tell your Senators to reject the proposed amendment.
Health insurance is expensive enough today, but a new tax scheduled to go into effect in 2018 is already making doctor’s visits and medical procedures pricier for middle-class workers.
The Affordable Care Act’s 40 percent excise tax, frequently mischaracterized as the “Cadillac Tax,” would be imposed on plans that exceed individual coverage costs of more than $10,200 and more than $27,500 for family coverage. Some employers already have or are planning to increase out-of-pocket limits, co-pays, and deductibles to pay for the tax, thus making workers the “pay-for” for the bill.
Keeping our current medical health plan was a promise made under the ACA – tell Congress to repeal the health insurance excise tax on middle-class families.
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